Vanilla Extract

50ml (10t) alcohol (40 proof)
1 whole vanilla bean

Fill a jar or bottle with alcohol that is 40 proof (bourbon works best).

Use 1 vanilla bean for every 50ml (10t) of alcohol. 

Cut the beans in half lengthwise. 
Scrape the insides and put it in the alcohol.

Cut the beans until they fit in the jar and place in jar.

Cover and store in a cool dark place for at least 3 months.
Shake every day.

The longer you wait, the stronger the flavor gets. As you use up the liquid, add more.

After a year, strain the extract and add new beans.
My sister Hesty was asked to make belgian waffles as a special pre-party brunch treat for a good friend. After much searching and digging, she found this recipe that knocked the socks off everyone :)

Belgian Waffles

2c all purpose flour
3/4c sugar
3 1/2t baking powder
2 eggs, separated
1 1/2c milk
1c butter, melted
1t vanilla extract

In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, and baking powder.

In another bowl, lightly beat egg yolks. Add milk, butter, and vanilla; mix well. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined.

Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; fold into batter.

Bake in a preheated waffle iron until golden brown.
During his travels in Morocco, RubyStarfire was introduced to tagines. They are absolutely amazing! They are delicious and easy to make. The word actually refers to both the thing it's cooked in (see photo above) and the food cooked in it. The shape of the tagine allows for the food to be steamed and constantly self-marinated leaving you with soft tasty food in a rich sauce. When it's done cooking, you take the cone-shaped lid off and serve the food in the bottom of the dish it cooked in. Make sure you have a loaf of bread on hand to pick up the food with and eat!
You don't have to cook just tagines inside of a tagine or just use a tagine to cook tagines! A tagine is essentially a stew, so you can cook any stew in a tagine. You can also cook any tagine in a skillet or pot in the oven, but you lose the atmosphere the tagine would bring to the table.
Mini tagine cellars also come in two's or three's connected to each other; these are used in place of salt and pepper shakers. Pepper is hard to find in these, however. Two mini tagine cellars like the image to the left will have salt and cumin inside. If there is a third tagine cellar, it might contain pepper or whatever the restaurant or household decides to keep in them. Ruby has a small rounded tagine that he keeps his coffee sugar cubes in.


Cooking with Alia
Cooking with Alia
Jamie Oliver
Ma fleur d'oranger
Food Network
Devil's Food Cake

1c (250g) butter
2 1/2c (591ml) sugar {if using sweetened cocoa, use 2c (475ml) sugar}
5 eggs
3t (15ml) vanilla
2 1/2c (591ml) flour
1/2c (118ml) baking cocoa
2t (10ml) baking soda
1/2t (2.5) salt
1c (236ml) buttermilk
1c (236ml) hot water

1)Cream butter and sugar
2)Add eggs and vanilla and mix well
3)Sift together dry ingredients
4)Add buttermilk and dry ingredients alternately to butter mixture
5)Add hot water and mix well
6)Pour into three 9-inch (22.8cm) round pans and bake at 350F (175C) for 20-25 minutes
Devil's food cake

250g de beurre
591 ml de sucre (si vous utilisez du cacao sucré,mettez alors 475ml de sucre)
5 oeufs
15ml de vanille
591 ml de farine
118ml de cacao de cuisson
10ml de bicarbonate de soude
2.5 de sel
236ml de babeurre ou lait battu
236ml d'eau chaude

1/- Crémez le beure et le sucre
2/- ajoutez les oeufs et la vanille tout en mélangeant
3/-tamisez le reste des ingrédients secs
4/-rajoutez le lait battu et les ingrédients secs en alternance au mélange
5/-enfinn rajoutez l'eau chaude en bien mélangeant et incorporant le tout
6/-versez dans un moule rond de 22,8cm et laissez cuire à 175°C pendant 20 -25min
Pecan Pie V
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy, and stir in melted butter. Stir in the brown sugar, white sugar and the flour; mix well. Last add the milk, vanilla and nuts.
Pour into an unbaked 9-in pie shell. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees, then reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done.

**Note: Not enough pecans, try 2 cups next time. Pecans also rise to the top of the pie
Tarte aux pacanes

237ml de sucre roux léger
59ml (57g) de sucre blanc
113g de beurre
2 oeufs
15ml de farine
15ml de lait
5ml d'extrait de vanille
237ml (109g) de pacanes hachées

Préchauffez le four à 250°C

Dans un bol large,battez les oeufs jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent mousseux et faire fondre le beurre

Rajoutez tout en mélangeant,le sucre roux,sucre blanc et farine,mélangez bien le tout.

Enfin,rajoutez le lait,vanille et noix.
Versez le mélange dans un fond de tarte non cuite

Laissez cuire au four pendant 10min dans une température de 250°C puis la réduire à 150°C en laissant cuire pendant 30 à 40min

P.S: si pacanes insuffisantes,essayez 2 verres la prochaine fois .les pacanes remontent à la surface
My sister Hesty can get really picky about recipes. She wants recipes that are usable and reasonable to make. She's come across all sorts of brownie recipes that are far from usable: melt three kinds of chocolate, find a butter with a particular fat content, mix butter and oil, use two different kinds of flowers, etc. She hates all that extra work; once in awhile it actually makes the food better, but usually it just makes things more complicated and a large mess in the sink for later. She finally found a recipe that's easy and tasty *I can vouch for that ;)*

This was also Hesty's first time using a springform pan, the kind of pan that's like a puzzle. I personally don't think the bottom of a pan should be able to fall off, but she's the cook. She did say she'll probably use the tart pan for the next batch of brownies.

Best Brownies
from Allrecipes.com

1/2 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan.
2. Melt butter and stir in sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Beat in cocoa, flour, salt, and baking powder. Spread batter into prepared pan.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook.

3 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup confectioners' sugar

Combine butter, cocoa, honey, vanilla, and confectioners' sugar. Frost brownies while they are still warm.


Les Meilleurs Brownies
de Allrecipes.com

113g de beurre
237ml de sucre blanc
2 oeufs
5ml d'extrait de vanille
79ml de poudre cacao non sucré
118ml de farine tout usage
1.2ml de sel
1.2ml de levure chimique

1. Préchauffez le four à 175C. beurrez et saupoudrez environ 20 cm² du moule.
2. Faire fondre le beurre et rajoutez en incorporant le sucre, oeufs, et vanille. Faire battre dedans la poudre de cacao,sel,et la levure chimique.
versez la pâte dans le moule préparé.
3. faire cuire dans un four préchauffé pour 25 à 30 minutes.

45g de beurre doux
15ml de poudre cacao non sucré
15ml de miel
5ml d'extrait de vanille
237ml de sucre glacé

Mélangez beurre, cacao, miel, vanille, et sucre glacé. laisser les brownies refroidir au frigo.


أحسن برونيز 
من Allrecipes.com

١١٣غ زبدة
٢٣٧مل من السكر الأبيض
٥مل مستخلص الفانيليا
٧٩مل مسحوق الكاكاو غير المحلى
١١٨مل طحين لجميع الأغراض
١,٢مل من الملح
١,٢مل من الخميرة الكيميائية

١/ يسخن الفرن على ١٥٠ درجة حرارية,يدهن قالب الحلوى جيدا بالزبدة و يرش عليه قليل من الدقيق
٢/ تذوب الزبدة ويضاف إليها السكر والبيض والفانيليا مع التخليط، ثم نطرب و نمزج معهم مسحوق الكاكاو غير المحلى,الطحين,الملح والخميرة الكيميائية
و يصب الخليط في قالب الحلوى
ثم يدخل القالب الفرن لمدة ٢٥ إلى ٣٠ دقيقة

٤٥غ من الزبدة غير المملحة 
١٥مل من مسحوق الكاكاو غير المحلى
١٥مل من العسل
٥مل من مستخلص الفانيليا
٢٣٧مل من السكر الصقيل
تخلط الزبدة مع سحوق الكاكاو و العسل و مستخلص الفانيليا و السكر الصقيل
ثم ندخل الكعك للثلاجة ليبرد

These are the very first things that my sister Hesty made when she got her hands on an oven here. There's just nothing like home made chocolate chip cookies, and you can't find them outside of the United States. Even the ones you find in bakeries just aren't real chocolate chip cookies; they're cookies alright, and they're often yummy, but they aren't chocolate chip cookies. The recipe Hesty used isn't anything special, just a modification of the old Nestle one, but that's what makes a home made chocolate chip cookie :) 
**she does have some tricks she uses for these, but she won't share them with me :(*
So good they didn't all make it into the photo ;)

Chocolate Chip Cookies
modified from Nestle

1 c butter 
2 1/4 c flour 
1/2 c white sugar 
1/2 c brown sugar 
1 Tbsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 Tbsp vanilla
choccy chips

Mix it all together.
Bake 8-12 min at 375F.

Cookies aux pépites de chocolat
modifié de Nestle

226g de beurre
532ml de farine
118ml sucre blanc 
118ml sucre roux
15ml de bicarbonate de soude
5ml de sel
2 oeufs
15ml extrait de vanille
Des pepites de chocolate

Mélangez tous ensemble.
Cuisez pour environ 8-12 min à 190C.
Laissez refroidir briévement avant de servir.

رقاقة الكوكيز بالشوكولاته
معدلة من نستليه

٢٢٦غ  زبدة
٥٣٢مل من الدقيق
١١٨مل من السكر الأبيض
١١٨مل  من السكر البني
٥مل من الملح
١٥ مل من بيكربونات الصوديوم (صودا الخبز)
١٥ مل من مستخلص الفانيليا
رقائق الشوكولاته

يخلط الكل معا
يدخل الفرن على ١٩٠ درجة حرارية و يطهى لمدة ٨ إلى ١٢ دقيقة
يترك  يبرد قليلا قبل أن يقدم

My sister Hesty got tired of only finding those blueberry muffins that taste like sugared oil or have that crumb topping on them. Outside of the United States, it's hard to find blueberry muffins that are just blueberries with nothing weird like white chocolate or crushed nuts. She picked up some frozen blueberries and started whipping up a batch of fresh muffins. The only problem is the frozen blueberries had thawed, so the muffins are purple inside. They still taste good, though :)

Blueberry Muffins

1-3/4c flour
1/2c sugar
2t baking powder
1/4t salt.
3/4c blueberries or other fruit.
1 egg
3/4c milk
1/4c oil

Line 12 2-1/2" muffin cups/pan
Combine 1-3/4c flour, 1/2c sugar, 2t baking powder, 1/4t salt.
Add 3/4c blueberries or other fruit.
Separately, combine 1 egg, 3/4c milk, 1/4c oil, and add all at one to center of flour mixture.
Beat only 50 times, leave lumpy.
Bake at 400F for 18min.

Muffins Myrtilles

414ml de farine
118ml de sucre
10ml de levure chimique
1.2ml sel
177ml de myrtilles
1 oeuf
177ml de lait
60ml de huile

Doublez 12 6cm moules à gatêaux.
Mélangez 414ml de farine, 118ml de sucre, 10ml de levure chimique, 1.2ml sel.
Ajoutez 177ml de myrtilles ou autre fruits.
Séparément, melangez 1 oeuf, 177ml de lait, 60ml de huile et ajoutez tous ensemble à le centre de la mixture de farine.
Battez juste 50 fois, laissez grumeleux.
Cuisinez à 200C pour environ 18 min. 

كعكة العنبية

٤١٤مل من الدقيق
١١٨مل من السكر 
١٠مل من الخميرة الكيميائية 
١,٢مل من الملح 
١٧٧مل من العنبية
١ بيضة
١٧٧مل من الحليب
٦٠مل من الزيت

ندهن ٦سم من كل قالب المكون من ١٢
نمزج الدقيق و مسحوق السكر والخميرة و الملح
نضيف العنبية أو فاكهة أخرى
في إناء آخر يمزج البيض و الحليب و الزيت ثم يضاف الكل في وسط خليط الدقيق
يطرب ٥٠ مرة ويترك مخثر
يسخن الفرن على ٢٠٠ درجة حرارية ثم يدخل الفرن لمدة ١٨ دقيقة

The other day my sister Hesty made some delicious madeleine muffins. Since then, people have been asking and asking and asking for the recipe. It took awhile and a lot of convincing because Hesty can be shy at times, but she finally agreed to share the recipe. You owe me for this! ;)
Larval Madeleines

Mrs Morby's Madeleine Cookies

1/2c butter
1-1/4c powdered sugar
2 eggs
1c flour
1t vanilla extract
1/8t almond extract

Mix and cream butter, sugar, and eggs.
Add flour, beat until smooth.
Add both extracts.
Flour and butter the pan, fill 2/3 full.
Bake 20-25min @ 350F
cool briefly before serving


Les Madeleines de Mme Morby

113g de beurre
237-295ml de sucre glacé
2 oeufs
237ml de farine
5ml extrait de vanille
0.6ml d'extrait d'amande

Mélangez le beurre,sucre et oeufs,
Ajoutez farine et battez bien l'ensemble jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit entiérement fondu.
Ajoutez les deux extraits.
Beurrez et saupoudrez le moule puis remplissez chaque moule au 2/3.
Faites chauffer le four à 175C et laissez cuire pour environ 20-25min.
Laissez refroidir briévement avant de servir.

كيك المادلين للسيدة موربي

١١٣غ زبدة
٢٣٧إلى ٢٩٥مل من مسحوق السكر
٢٣٧مل الدقيق
٥مل مستخلص الفانيليا
٠,٦مل مستخلص اللوز

نمزج الزبدة, و مسحوق السكر و البيض
نضيف الدقيق و نمزج الخليط جيدا حتى الحصول على عجين متجانس
نضيف مستخلص الفانيليا و مستخلص اللوز
يدهن قالب الحلوى جيدا بالزبدة و يرش عليه قليل من الدقيق
يسخن الفرن على ١٧٥ درجة حرارية
ثم يدخل القالب الفرن لمدة ٢٠ إل  ٢٥ دقيقة
يترك المادلين يبرد قليلا قبل أن يقدم
Full grown madeleines! *psst, they were delicious ;)*
**This recipe came from a friend of RubyStarfire who got it from a close family friend.**
My sister Hesty was going to cook some madeleines first thing today, so I snuck into the kitchen and hid this in the cupboard:
She shrieked and nearly dropped everything on the floor! I almost feel sorry for her, seeing this first thing in the morning before she's even made the coffee, but she wouldn't let me lick the spoon when she was done :(

This is a canister for Sucre Glace from France, called Powdered or Confectioner's Sugar in the United States. I don't know if I should be disturbed by how much fun it is to twist the top of his head (the pink ring) and watch the sifted powdered sugar fall out of his head. It's like the little goblin is the opposite of a rock star: the white powder comes out of the head instead of going in.

Oh, Hesty did make the madeleine muffins and she even let me have one, but I had to wait until last :( Meanie!
Thank you Hesty! I love you! Mouah! *nibble*