My sister Hesty was going to cook some madeleines first thing today, so I snuck into the kitchen and hid this in the cupboard:
She shrieked and nearly dropped everything on the floor! I almost feel sorry for her, seeing this first thing in the morning before she's even made the coffee, but she wouldn't let me lick the spoon when she was done :(

This is a canister for Sucre Glace from France, called Powdered or Confectioner's Sugar in the United States. I don't know if I should be disturbed by how much fun it is to twist the top of his head (the pink ring) and watch the sifted powdered sugar fall out of his head. It's like the little goblin is the opposite of a rock star: the white powder comes out of the head instead of going in.

Oh, Hesty did make the madeleine muffins and she even let me have one, but I had to wait until last :( Meanie!
Thank you Hesty! I love you! Mouah! *nibble*

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