Absolutely delicious! We're looking forward to trying it with different fruits :)
Aqua Fresca


Aqua Fresca

4 parts watermelon cut into small to medium size pieces
1 part water
honey (optional)

Add fruit and water to blender.
Blend until smooth.
Add honey to taste if fruit is lacking in flavor.

Other fruit can be used. A little apple cider vinegar can help with browning of some fruits (like apple and pear).
Hesty made this for Ruby Starfire because there was extra Pumpkin Puree lying around but not enough to make more Pumpkin Bread. While it's not something he would normally drink, Ruby does find it a wonderful autumn drink, finely paired with Pumpkin Bread, and a terrific way to use up any remaining pumpkin.

Pumpkin Spice
from CookingWithApril

2c brewed coffee or 1 to 2 shots of espresso
4T brown sugar (less or more depending on how sweet you 
like it)
2T pumpkin puree
1/4t vanilla extract
1/2t pumkin pie spice
2c milk, half and half, or almond milk
Optional: Whipped Cream

  • Thoroughly mix coffee, brown sugar, pumpkin puree, and vanilla together.
  • Add milk and mix.
  • Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!
Another nice little recipe from CookingWithApril (video down below) and a very good way to deal with extra pumpkin. Unlike most pumpkin bars Hesty has tried, these are not greasy and despite the amount of sugar in them, they don't taste sweet at all. My dear sister Hesty says to try these with whipped cream or plain yogurt for a yummy morning breakfast.

Pumpkin Bread
from CookWithApril

3-1/2c all purpose flour
1t ground cinnamon
1t ground nutmeg
1/4t ground ginger
1/2t ground cloves
2t baking soda
1-1/2t salt
1 (15 ounce) (425g) can pumpkin puree
1c vegetable oil
3c white sugar
2/3c water
4 eggs

In a large bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, baking soda, and salt.

In a medium bowl, mix pumpkin puree, oil, sugar, water, and eggs.

Slowly add wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and  mix well.
Pour into two greased loaf or cake pans.

Bake for 50 minutes at 350F or 175C.

** You can substitute 2 3/4t pumpkin spice in place of the  cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves.
This is a fajita recipe with a slightly Asian twist, but it's to die for. The recipe and video aren't Hesty's, they're from the site she found it on.

from CookWithApril

1 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
6 cloves garlic minced
Lemon juice (2 or 3 lemons)

1 red bell pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 orange pepper
1/2 red onion
1/2 white onion
Meat of your choice, steak, seafood, etc.

1) Mix marinade ingredients together.
2) Slice vegetables and marinate for an hour.
3) Remove vegetables from marinade and stir fry.
4) Cook meat as desired (optional).
5) Serve vegetables and meat with tortillas.

de CookWithApril

La marinade:

237ml de sauce soja
118ml d'eau
118ml d'huile végétale
6 gousses d'ail émincées
Le jus de citron (2 ou 3 citrons)

1 poivron rouge
1 poivron jaune
1 poivron orange
1/2 oignon rouge
1/2 oignon blanc
Viande de votre choix, steak, fruits de mer, etc

1) Mélanger les ingrédients de la marinade.
2) Couper les légumes et laisser mariner pendant une heure.
3) Retirer les légumes de la marinade et faites frire.
4) faire cuire la viande comme vous le souhaitez (facultatif).
5) Servez les légumes et la viande avec des tortillas.

من CookWithApril


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يقدم اللحم مع الخضار في الرقاق