These are the very first things that my sister Hesty made when she got her hands on an oven here. There's just nothing like home made chocolate chip cookies, and you can't find them outside of the United States. Even the ones you find in bakeries just aren't real chocolate chip cookies; they're cookies alright, and they're often yummy, but they aren't chocolate chip cookies. The recipe Hesty used isn't anything special, just a modification of the old Nestle one, but that's what makes a home made chocolate chip cookie :) 
**she does have some tricks she uses for these, but she won't share them with me :(*
So good they didn't all make it into the photo ;)

Chocolate Chip Cookies
modified from Nestle

1 c butter 
2 1/4 c flour 
1/2 c white sugar 
1/2 c brown sugar 
1 Tbsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 Tbsp vanilla
choccy chips

Mix it all together.
Bake 8-12 min at 375F.

Cookies aux pépites de chocolat
modifié de Nestle

226g de beurre
532ml de farine
118ml sucre blanc 
118ml sucre roux
15ml de bicarbonate de soude
5ml de sel
2 oeufs
15ml extrait de vanille
Des pepites de chocolate

Mélangez tous ensemble.
Cuisez pour environ 8-12 min à 190C.
Laissez refroidir briévement avant de servir.

رقاقة الكوكيز بالشوكولاته
معدلة من نستليه

٢٢٦غ  زبدة
٥٣٢مل من الدقيق
١١٨مل من السكر الأبيض
١١٨مل  من السكر البني
٥مل من الملح
١٥ مل من بيكربونات الصوديوم (صودا الخبز)
١٥ مل من مستخلص الفانيليا
رقائق الشوكولاته

يخلط الكل معا
يدخل الفرن على ١٩٠ درجة حرارية و يطهى لمدة ٨ إلى ١٢ دقيقة
يترك  يبرد قليلا قبل أن يقدم

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