My dear sister Hesty has found that she doesn't always have the ingredients she needs. Sometimes you can substitute, sometimes you can't. In this case, there is a substitute for allspice :)
Grinding nutmeg


1t cinnamon (optional)
1t nutmeg
1t cloves

Mix everything together.
This is a fajita recipe with a slightly Asian twist, but it's to die for. The recipe and video aren't Hesty's, they're from the site she found it on.

from CookWithApril

1 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
6 cloves garlic minced
Lemon juice (2 or 3 lemons)

1 red bell pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 orange pepper
1/2 red onion
1/2 white onion
Meat of your choice, steak, seafood, etc.

1) Mix marinade ingredients together.
2) Slice vegetables and marinate for an hour.
3) Remove vegetables from marinade and stir fry.
4) Cook meat as desired (optional).
5) Serve vegetables and meat with tortillas.

de CookWithApril

La marinade:

237ml de sauce soja
118ml d'eau
118ml d'huile végétale
6 gousses d'ail émincées
Le jus de citron (2 ou 3 citrons)

1 poivron rouge
1 poivron jaune
1 poivron orange
1/2 oignon rouge
1/2 oignon blanc
Viande de votre choix, steak, fruits de mer, etc

1) Mélanger les ingrédients de la marinade.
2) Couper les légumes et laisser mariner pendant une heure.
3) Retirer les légumes de la marinade et faites frire.
4) faire cuire la viande comme vous le souhaitez (facultatif).
5) Servez les légumes et la viande avec des tortillas.

من CookWithApril


٢٣٧مل من صلصة الصويا
١١٨مل من ماء
١١٨مل من زيت نباتي
٦فصوص من الثوم
عصير الليمون (٢ أو ٣ ليمون

١الفليفلة الحلوة الحمراء
١فلفل أصفر
١فلفل برتقالي
١/٢بصل أحمر
١/٢البصل الأبيض
اللحوم من اختيارك، شريحة لحم، افواكه البحر، الخ

تقطع الخضروات إلى شرائح و تترك في التخليل
تزال الخضروات من التخليل و تقلب في مقلاة
يطهى اللحم حسب الاختيار و الذوق
يقدم اللحم مع الخضار في الرقاق

Vanilla Extract

50ml (10t) alcohol (40 proof)
1 whole vanilla bean

Fill a jar or bottle with alcohol that is 40 proof (bourbon works best).

Use 1 vanilla bean for every 50ml (10t) of alcohol. 

Cut the beans in half lengthwise. 
Scrape the insides and put it in the alcohol.

Cut the beans until they fit in the jar and place in jar.

Cover and store in a cool dark place for at least 3 months.
Shake every day.

The longer you wait, the stronger the flavor gets. As you use up the liquid, add more.

After a year, strain the extract and add new beans.
My sister Hesty was asked to make belgian waffles as a special pre-party brunch treat for a good friend. After much searching and digging, she found this recipe that knocked the socks off everyone :)

Belgian Waffles

2c all purpose flour
3/4c sugar
3 1/2t baking powder
2 eggs, separated
1 1/2c milk
1c butter, melted
1t vanilla extract

In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, and baking powder.

In another bowl, lightly beat egg yolks. Add milk, butter, and vanilla; mix well. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined.

Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form; fold into batter.

Bake in a preheated waffle iron until golden brown.
During his travels in Morocco, RubyStarfire was introduced to tagines. They are absolutely amazing! They are delicious and easy to make. The word actually refers to both the thing it's cooked in (see photo above) and the food cooked in it. The shape of the tagine allows for the food to be steamed and constantly self-marinated leaving you with soft tasty food in a rich sauce. When it's done cooking, you take the cone-shaped lid off and serve the food in the bottom of the dish it cooked in. Make sure you have a loaf of bread on hand to pick up the food with and eat!
You don't have to cook just tagines inside of a tagine or just use a tagine to cook tagines! A tagine is essentially a stew, so you can cook any stew in a tagine. You can also cook any tagine in a skillet or pot in the oven, but you lose the atmosphere the tagine would bring to the table.
Mini tagine cellars also come in two's or three's connected to each other; these are used in place of salt and pepper shakers. Pepper is hard to find in these, however. Two mini tagine cellars like the image to the left will have salt and cumin inside. If there is a third tagine cellar, it might contain pepper or whatever the restaurant or household decides to keep in them. Ruby has a small rounded tagine that he keeps his coffee sugar cubes in.


Cooking with Alia
Cooking with Alia
Jamie Oliver
Ma fleur d'oranger
Food Network
As part of her work within the Youth Peace Ambassadors Network at the Council of Europe, Karen Pong organised and hosted, in partnership with The American University of Paris, the Youth Against Human Trafficking: How Students Can Get Involved in Prevention Conference on 11 April 2013. The aim of this conference is to promote on-campus awareness-raising as an effective and powerful tool for young people in human trafficking prevention and to inspire all university students and youth to become motivated and committed advocates and activists of human trafficking prevention.

Human Trafficking is a Human Rights Violation

presented by Karen Pong, AUP Alumnus and Youth Peace Ambassadors Network
File Size: 9236 kb
File Type: mp3
Download File

Criminal Intelligence and Human Trafficking

presented by Jesper Lund, Criminal intelligence Officer at Interpol
File Size: 10206 kb
File Type: mp3
Download File

The Role of Education in Prevention

presented by His Excellency Mr Robert Zeldenrust, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
File Size: 8611 kb
File Type: mp3
Download File

Youth Participation in Civil Society

presented by Ghofran Ounissi, Jurist and member of Advisory Council on Youth, Council of Europe
File Size: 9239 kb
File Type: mp3
Download File

The Youth Against Human Trafficking: How Students Can Get Involved in Prevention Conference was prepared for university students, both undergraduate and graduate, in order to educate, inspire, and inform about the major issues that are part of trafficking as a human rights abuse. The project is meant to engage students about a human rights issue, which affects an inordinate number of women, men, and children around the world today. American University of Paris students and alumnus, in partnership with the MA in Law department, have brought together an event on how youth can be involved in prevention, education, and potential career opportunities in human trafficking prevention. We are proud to be a part of this special event.

Karen Pong
Karen Pong is a member of the Youth Peace Ambassador Network, created out of the Council of Europe Youth Department's Youth Peace Ambassador Programme in April 2011. Since graduating from The American University of Paris in 2009 with a degree in International Affairs and International Economics and a minor in International Law, the eternal struggle against human trafficking has become her field of interest and the object of her professional vocation. She has participated in numerous international youth initiatives and conferences with a long-term goal to join Interpol’s Sub-Directorate for Trafficking in Human Beings as a Criminal Intelligence Officer. Karen recently created an NGO, YAHTE, that fosters youth participation in human trafficking prevention.

Jesper Lund
Jesper Lund is a Criminal Intelligence Officer of Interpol in the Trafficking of Human Beings Subdirectorate. He has been involved in the Subdirectorate of the General Secretariat for over two years and began working with Interpol and Europol at the Danish National Centre of Investigation in 2008. He first became involved in human trafficking through his efforts from 2000-2007 at the Copenhagen Airport, specializing in Immigration, people Smuggling, and Trafficking in Human Beings.

Robert Zeldenrust
Robert Zeldenrust is the ambassador and permanent delegate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO. Ambassador Zeldenrust took the initiative to organize, together with UNESCO, a seminar on prevention of human trafficking through education programs in 2012. This originated from his experience as a member of the Dutch national Task Force against Human Trafficking (2009-2011). Prior to this, he was ambassador of the Netherlands to Lebanon, where he was confronted with cases of exploitation of Asian women and girls.

Ghoran Ounissi
Ghofran Ounissi is a Jurist and member of Advisory Council on Youth, Council of Europe. She is also the representative of FEMYSQ (Forum of Muslim Youth and Students Organization), the largest European platform of all Muslim youth organizations.

If you have read some of the other pieces on this blog, you may have noticed the style and voice of this piece is different. As a video editing project, this piece fits more into Artemsia's Vibrations, which is about my creative projects, than Ruby Starfire Wanderlust, which is more about travel. The normal style and voice for Artemsia's Vibrations is inappropriate for this subject matter, so it was decided to take a more professional approach.
Devil's Food Cake

1c (250g) butter
2 1/2c (591ml) sugar {if using sweetened cocoa, use 2c (475ml) sugar}
5 eggs
3t (15ml) vanilla
2 1/2c (591ml) flour
1/2c (118ml) baking cocoa
2t (10ml) baking soda
1/2t (2.5) salt
1c (236ml) buttermilk
1c (236ml) hot water

1)Cream butter and sugar
2)Add eggs and vanilla and mix well
3)Sift together dry ingredients
4)Add buttermilk and dry ingredients alternately to butter mixture
5)Add hot water and mix well
6)Pour into three 9-inch (22.8cm) round pans and bake at 350F (175C) for 20-25 minutes
Devil's food cake

250g de beurre
591 ml de sucre (si vous utilisez du cacao sucré,mettez alors 475ml de sucre)
5 oeufs
15ml de vanille
591 ml de farine
118ml de cacao de cuisson
10ml de bicarbonate de soude
2.5 de sel
236ml de babeurre ou lait battu
236ml d'eau chaude

1/- Crémez le beure et le sucre
2/- ajoutez les oeufs et la vanille tout en mélangeant
3/-tamisez le reste des ingrédients secs
4/-rajoutez le lait battu et les ingrédients secs en alternance au mélange
5/-enfinn rajoutez l'eau chaude en bien mélangeant et incorporant le tout
6/-versez dans un moule rond de 22,8cm et laissez cuire à 175°C pendant 20 -25min
Pecan Pie V
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy, and stir in melted butter. Stir in the brown sugar, white sugar and the flour; mix well. Last add the milk, vanilla and nuts.
Pour into an unbaked 9-in pie shell. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees, then reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done.

**Note: Not enough pecans, try 2 cups next time. Pecans also rise to the top of the pie
Tarte aux pacanes

237ml de sucre roux léger
59ml (57g) de sucre blanc
113g de beurre
2 oeufs
15ml de farine
15ml de lait
5ml d'extrait de vanille
237ml (109g) de pacanes hachées

Préchauffez le four à 250°C

Dans un bol large,battez les oeufs jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent mousseux et faire fondre le beurre

Rajoutez tout en mélangeant,le sucre roux,sucre blanc et farine,mélangez bien le tout.

Enfin,rajoutez le lait,vanille et noix.
Versez le mélange dans un fond de tarte non cuite

Laissez cuire au four pendant 10min dans une température de 250°C puis la réduire à 150°C en laissant cuire pendant 30 à 40min

P.S: si pacanes insuffisantes,essayez 2 verres la prochaine fois .les pacanes remontent à la surface
I snuck into my sister Haley's library to borrow this video. She took this video a long time ago when she was learning how to play with pewter. She calls it "Melting the Queen"
Things like this are why I find my sister Haley a little scary, and so fascinating. When she's bored, she melts little figure, in this video a chess queen. She likes the smell of the metal and the sound of the figure hitting the melting pot. 

There's something fascinating about this video, but I can't put my finger on it. The sounds the queen makes as she moves. The way her solid body melds into the liquid metal. The way her face melts at the last moment before she falls in. How she slides into the silver liquid beneath the black carbon. The regal majesty returning to whence she came. 

I guess sister Haley spends her time exploring physical poetry instead of spoken.
Here is my first in a series of Christmas songs! Have to do them now because nobody likes Christmas songs after Christmas, go figure. 
I found the sheet music on 8notes and sang all five versus. If you want to hear words muddying up my beautiful voice, you can sing them yourself ;) 

It's difficult to sing off of Western sheetmusic. The notes are written differently and everything is upside down. My higher notes are towards the bottom, but the sheet music has them towards the top. 

I also got bored of singing the same song, over and over, so I started messing around with it ;) Here's the music and lyrics if you want to play or sing along :)
We Three Kings
We Three Kings from