I snuck into my sister Haley's library to borrow this video. She took this video a long time ago when she was learning how to play with pewter. She calls it "Melting the Queen"
Things like this are why I find my sister Haley a little scary, and so fascinating. When she's bored, she melts little figure, in this video a chess queen. She likes the smell of the metal and the sound of the figure hitting the melting pot. 

There's something fascinating about this video, but I can't put my finger on it. The sounds the queen makes as she moves. The way her solid body melds into the liquid metal. The way her face melts at the last moment before she falls in. How she slides into the silver liquid beneath the black carbon. The regal majesty returning to whence she came. 

I guess sister Haley spends her time exploring physical poetry instead of spoken.

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