I have a special project coming up and it requires me to change how I sing, I have to sing only the Western scale. I hate the Western scale. The Western scale is just not as pretty or fluid as the Pentatonic scale that is traditional for my beautiful voice.

Here's my beloved RubyStarfire helping me train my voice. It's kind of a long and boring process, a lot of repeating notes until I get them right.
The Western scale is usually written one of two ways:
  • A - B - C - D - E - F - G
  • Do - Re - Mi - Fa - So - La - Ti/Si
You have to pay attention to the notes to make sure everything sounds good. My voice also has a very limited range when singing the Western scale, I can only reach three octaves.

The Pentatonic scale that's traditional for my voice uses the following notes:
  • A - B - D - E - F#
This scale is much more beautiful and fluid than the Western scale. It's hard to play or sing something that sounds bad, you have to put lots and lots of effort into it. Almost anything you play or sing will sound alright if not beautiful. I can also cover four octaves when singing, this gives my singing a much greater range and lets my voice do more.

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