Indian Veena
a Veena courtesy of Wikipedia
Feh. I'm pissed. 

I have a book of Tamil music that RubyStarfire got for me when he was in India. There is a place there called Yatra Arts Foundation. They help children explore and develop the creative arts and also use performance art to do public works and bring about social change in the region. When he visited Yatra Arts Foundation, Ruby heard one of the founder's daughters playing traditional music on a veena. The music was enchanting and he knew it would be perfect for my voice. 

Tamil Music Book
book of Tamil music Ruby got me in India :)
The director helped Ruby track down a couple books of Tamil music to bring back for me. The music is written in a very different format from Western music. 
  • The notes are written as S, R, M and not A, B, C
  • There are vertical lines, numbers, and commas everywhere
  • I have no idea what an Akshara is supposed to be
I definitely need to find someone to help me with this! Unfortunately, there's nobody near me who's even heard of Tamil music let alone knows how to play it. But the book is made of paper and doesn't fit through all these pipes and tubes that make up the internet. The solution? Dismantle the book and scan it!

So, I spent an entire afternoon dismantling and scanning the book. The book is made of bundles of paper, folded in half, and then really large thick staples were punched through them all. The cover was then glued onto the spine and over the staples. It was a pain, I can tell you, to keep track of every piece of paper while scanning it and to keep everything in good shape so I can still use the book. It was such a relief to finally finish, go home, and sit down to organize and assemble all the pdf files I scanned into one pdf.

Then I saw marks on the pages. The scanner was dirty!

Now I have to go back and scan the entire book all over again, and that's why I'm pissed.

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