I'm so excited! RubyStarfire took me shopping in Pigalle! No, no, not for sex stuff. I need a new travel coat because the lining of mine is getting ragged. Pigalle is famous for being a place for seedy sex stuff, but it's actually kind of a pathetic place. Most of the sex shops try to cater to the seedy image people have of clandestine and illicit sex parlours, but they do it for tourists instead of doing it to create a legitimate atmosphere or just being legitimately seedy shops. When you get off the metro and turn around, however, you find music shops and there's a family friendly area a five minute walk away, complete with cafe and merry-go-round.
Travel Case Interior
See what I mean about the lining of my coat (case) being worn? In some spots it goes all the way through to the outer shell. This just simply won't do! I have very delicate skin that bruises easily, which is why I wear a special coat when I travel by airplane. This is why Ruby took me to Stars Music to look at new clothes.

The gentlemen there were very nice and helpful. They went out of their way to find me something that would fit. They had one coat that fit, and it looked very nice, but it was also very expensive. The price tag was 269€! It definitely looked like it was worth that, but the price was a little too much for the budget. They suggested calling Fabriquant Fly to see about getting one custom made. Now I have to take my measurements and send them off to get a quote. Oh how embarrassing! To send your most personal and intimate measurements off to a complete stranger! *^^*

Brightheart and new Mic
Brightheart listens to a lot of Bing Crosby
We didn't get me a new coat, but Ruby got me a Samson Go Mic while we were at the music store. I've been looking for an affordable and portable mic to record myself while singing and I finally found one! Haven't had a chance to try it yet, but here's a picture of an adorable little friend trying it out :)

9/24/2014 02:37:41 pm

This is why Ruby took me to Stars Music to look at new clothes.


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