RubyStarfire and I have been singing together for many years now and we can't bear to be far from each other for long. People call him a musician when they see us together, though he doesn't call himself one (he doesn't write music). 

Several people we've met recently are learning how to sing or are shy to sing in public. Ruby and I tell them to record their singing so their friends and family can share their enjoyment of the music and they also so they have a record of their own progress. I know without being able to look back at early songs, I wouldn't have any confidence in myself.

Here's a song that Ruby and I recorded a long time ago for just this reason. 

Actually, it's the very first song we ever sang together! It's titled "A Song for School"
Listening to this song brings back fond memories. Ruby was still very hesitant in his caresses and he was just starting to learn how to listen with his soul. (He also looks so young!) Even if he doesn't call himself a musician, I certainly do. When we're both in good shape we're able to sing the song that's there instead of the song on the paper, and only a musician is able to do that with his/her partner.

It took several takes to get a video good enough to keep, but that's one of the benefits of recording in private. One of the most difficult songs we learned took fourteen takes to get one that was good enough to keep, perhaps I'll share it with you one day. 

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